The final showdown between the iPhone and the Motorola Droid comes down to the cost of the phone plans. I am going to review two different combinations of phone plans on each provider, because obviously not everyone will require the same type of plan. The first option reviewed will be the "unlimited everything" deal, and the second will be two phones on a set minute family plan (AKA the "I'm on a budget" aspect).
Verizon Wireless Unlimited Plan
Unlimited Minutes: $89.99
Unlimited Texting: Included with minutes
Unlimited Data (Minus Corporate Email): $29.99
Cost of Motorola Droid: With 2-year contract and online discount, $199.99
(Also, random fact, Verizon has a buy one get one free deal if you're going with a family plan)
Activation Fee: Verizon does not have one.
AT&T Wireless Unlimited Plan
nlimited Minutes: $69.99
Unlimited Texting: $20.00
Unlimited Data: (No specification about Corporate...) $30.00
TOTAL MONTHLY: $119.99 (GASP. It's a penny more expensive!)
Cost of iPhone: With Contract, $199.00 (3GS 16GB)
Activation Fee: $36.00 (One-time... ouch. Just... sad...)
Hmm. From the consumer point of view, other than the phone cost and activation fee, Verizon and AT&T look pretty much identical. Now, if you are looking at corporate accounts, Verizon will in fact cost more. Their corporate data plan is $44.99/month. As far as I can tell, AT&T's stays the same.
Now, onto the family plans. We will be comparing a 1400 minute national plan for two phones, with unlimited texting on both phones. Also, both phones will be identical, both require data plans, and (luckily for Verizon) I will include any discounts for buying the same phone.
Verizon Wireless 1400 Minute Family Plan
1400 Minutes: $119.99 (This also includes 10 unlimited friends/family)
Unlimited Texting: Included in plan
Unlimited Data: $29.99/phone
Cost of 2 Droids: $199.99 (With online discount, 2-year contract, and buy one get one free)
Activation Fee: There is none!
AT&T 1400 Minute Family Plan
1400 Minutes: $89.99 (Includes rollover minutes)
Unlimited Texting: $30.00 for family
Unlimited Data: $30.00/phone
Cost of 2 iPhones (3GS 16GB): $399.98
Activation Fee: $36.00 for primary phone, $26.00 for secondary phone
As you can see, there is once again not a whole lot of difference between the plans. The main difference is whether or not you want a 10-person calling circle, or if rollover minutes are for you. Also, if you are trying to go on a budget, AT&T's phone costs and activation fees can hurt. A LOT. But then it all comes down to phone preference, and perhaps if the iPhone means that much to you. Also, corporate vs. regular varies for Verizon, which would once again make it more expensive.
My personal final verdict? I've convinced my dad that switching to Verizon is the best option with the 1400 minute plan. You may have already figured out I am in favor of the Droid, but also Verizon coverage is much better in this area. Coverage areas can vary greatly, so this is something I would also research when choosing a plan. Hopefully some day in the near future I will be able to give you an overview of what the Droid is really about!
Not sure what my topic is going to be for next time, but I am sure it will be in a completely different direction than phones. Stop by soon and check it out!
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